Educação Física | Centro Universitário Vale do Cricaré
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The Degree Course in Physical Education at Faculdade Vale do Cricaré, in line with the global trend, will seek a productive balance between teaching, research and extension. More than supporting higher education, the articulation of this triad constitutes an essential element for the professional training of professionals in the new millennium, who must be sufficiently prepared from a technical-pedagogical point of view to intervene in the historical-social context, solving or minimizing contradictions , problems and social conflicts, under the light of ethics. For this, he must go beyond the technical exercise of his profession, transcending the role of teacher and Physical Education Teacher.



In the national and world socio-political context, the professional must have a global and pluralistic vision, arising from a multidisciplinary training of skills: Technical, Human and Political around the functions of the profession of Physical Education Teacher.

Thus, it will be due to a set of skills:


  • Post yourself adapted to the title of teacher inherent to your professional training;

  • Equip themselves with socio-political commitment, always seeking answers, within the limits of their professional performance, for the most emerging concerns of the community that welcomes them;

  • Use and expand the possibilities of interdisciplinarity in the school context;

  • To become a globalized professional, committed to social causes and welcoming educational causes that aim at the common good;

  • Ethical professional, aware of his abilities and technical-pedagogical possibilities that his education allows him and of the limits of action that the legislation imposes.

Course Authorization:  AUTHORIZED by MEC Ordinance No. 279 of 12/19/2012, PUBLISHED in the DOU of 12/28/2012.

Title:  Degree in Physical Education

Knowledge area:  Health Sciences - Area 21 - CNPQ

Duration: 4 years – 8 semesters

Vacancies:  100 annuals

Workload:  3440 hours

Time course:  morning and  night

Degree Curriculum Structure

Curriculum Structure Bachelor

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Coordinator Data

José Roberto Gonçalves de Abreu

Doctor in Physical Education from the Federal University of Espírito Santo (2020), holds a Bachelor's degree (1996), Specialization(1999) and a Master's(2009) in Physical Education from the same institution. He holds a Bachelor's Degree in Physiotherapy from Estácio de Sá University (2005), Specialist in Sports Training - UFES, Specialist in Primary Health Care - APS - SESA (2010), Specialist in Hospital Physiotherapy - Pneumo-functional (UNESC - 2009). Organizer of the book Physical Education and Regional Development, currently coordinates the following courses: Degree in Physical Education, Degree in Physiotherapy, Degree in Pedagogy, Degree in History at Faculdade Vale do Cricaré. At the same IES, he integrates the Faculty of the Master's Program in Science, Technology and Education at FVC. Professor at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Espírito Santo - IFES, São Mateus campus. He was Municipal Health Undersecretary in 2012 and Municipal Education Secretary of the city of São Mateus from 2013 to 2016. He works as a Physiotherapist at the Hospital Meridional de São Mateus, INEP/MEC evaluator and is part of the Education Commission of the Regional Council of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy in Espírito Santo - Crefito 15 and Coffito. 


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