Enfermagem | Centro Universitário Vale do Cricaré
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The Nursing course offered by the FVC aims at the generalist and humanist training of professionals trained to work in the Unified Health System, in a critical and reflective manner.


Through differentiated pedagogical strategies, modern laboratories and qualified teachers, it encourages the construction of knowledge, attitudes and skills necessary for the practice of care, the management of health care actions, continuing education and nursing research, permeated by technical aspects -scientific, ethical-political and socio-educational that the complexity of care for human beings requires.

The teaching-learning process adopted encourages students to think about the social reality in which they are inserted, prompting them to intervene and modify it with a view to promoting the health of individuals and the community, disease prevention, rehabilitation and health recovery.

With a differentiated proposal, it offers a broad course load of practical activities, supervised by qualified teachers, masters and doctors, in conjunction between teaching and health services, with a view to better inserting the student into the world of work.

To this end, the institution has agreements with the State Secretariat and the Municipal Health Secretariat São Mateus/ES.


In compliance with current requirements, which are presented in a plural and globalized way, the institution takes on the exercise of its mission, seeking to build a profile of graduates with the following characteristics:


– Professional with solid scientific and technical training in the specific area of their training;

– Able to perceive, identify and follow the contextual changes of the reality in which it is inserted;

– Able to carry out necessary interventions based on ethical and citizenship principles as a result of a solid humanistic vision;

– Dynamic and capable posture, however flexible, for the changes that may occur in the world of work;

– Constantly seeking to develop attitudes and skills that are compatible with the demands of its training area and the market.

Job market: Health units, clinics, hospitals, pre-hospital care, emergency care, home care, offices, auditing, companies (occupational nursing), among others.


Course Authorization:  AUTHORIZED by MEC Ordinance No. 59 of 02/18/2014, PUBLISHED  in the DOU of 02/11/2014.

Title:  bachelor degree
Knowledge area:  Health Sciences
Duration:  5 years
Vacancies:  100/annual
Workload:  4000 hours
Time course:  Evening with practical activities during the day.

Curricular structure





Coordinator Data

Prof. Dayana Loureiro Seibert

Nurse, graduated from the Estácio de Sá Institution, in 2004; Specialist in Collective Health with an emphasis on family health; Higher Education Teaching; Primary Health Care; Health Management; Occupational Nursing and Master in Science, Technology and Education.



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